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Energizer 2in1 LED43A1

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Rs.79 (15%)

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Energizer 2in1 LED43A1
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Energizer Torch
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The Energizer Hi Tech 2 in 1 Light is a compact, lightweight, dual purpose light. The body simply slides to change from
torch mode to area lighting and operation is easy with the large push button switch.
It features a soft rubber grip for a steady hand hold. The bright white Nichia LED is energy efficient, resulting in longer battery life, and the LED is virtually unbreakable.

ECONOMICAL Useable light for 53 hours with one set of Energizer MAX batteries
Lifetime LED never needs replacing
POWERFUL Torch mode illuminates objects up to 51 metres away
BRIGHT White Nichia LED provides 11 lumens of light in torch mode
VERSATILE Use as 360

The Energizer Hi Tech 2 in 1 Light is a compact, lightweight, dual purpose light. The body simply slides to change fromtorch mode to area lighting and operation is easy with the large push button switch. It features a soft rubber grip for a steady hand hold. The bright white Nichia LED is energy efficient, resulting in longer battery life, and the LED is virtually unbreakable. ECONOMICAL Useable light for 53 hours with one set of Energizer MAX batteriesLifetime LED never needs replacingPOWERFUL Torch mode illuminates objects up to 51 metres awayBRIGHT White Nichia LED provides 11 lumens of light in torch modeVERSATILE Use as 360


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